Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive

An IUD or intrauterine device is a long-acting reversible form of birth control that is highly effective (over 99%). It is a small “T” shaped device that is placed in uterus to help prevent pregnancy. It is hassle-free as no daily attention is required.

‘Relax’ is an SMC branded intrauterine device (IUD) that can provide long-term birth control. Relax is a small, T-shaped, copper-based device of the type IUD TCu 380A which is safe, effective for 10 years and completely reversible upon removal.

Relax IUD is not available in market or pharmacies; it is only available with trained doctors and some selected hospitals under SMC’s Pink Star program. Pink Star is a network of privately practicing graduate doctors who promote and provide long acting reversible contraceptives from their private facility. In addition, they are also offering family planning injectable (SOMA JECT – 3 months protection). One can call 16387 (SMC tele-counseling center) to find any doctor.

IUDs are also available at government hospitals, FP centers and some NGO clinics.

• Offers long-term contraception up to 10 years after insertion
• Effective immediately after insertion
• Fertility returns just after removal
• Non-hormonal so no chance of hormonal side effects
• Safe for lactating mothers
• Can be inserted in post partum (NVD and CS) period
• Can be used more than once and inserted following removal of the previous one (if desired)

Almost all women of reproductive age with one living child can use Relax IUD safely and effectively. However, it is most recommended for women who:

> Do not want any more children but are not interested in using a permanent method of contraception

> Are not sure whether they would like to have any more children in future

> Have not had a history of pelvic infection or sexually transmitted infections in the last three months

> Contraindicated for hormonal contraceptive methods

IUDs work immediately after insertion

• Any time during the menstrual cycle if pregnancy is excluded
• Within first seven days of menstruation
• During lactation period, IUD can be given four weeks after delivery, if she exclusively breastfeeds her baby and her menstruation has not returned
• Within 48 hours of normal vaginal delivery
• During caesarean operation
• After MR/abortion

IUDs do not have side effects that are so commonly associated with hormonal methods. However, some women may go through -

  • Mild cramping pain in the lower abdomen in the first few days after insertion
  • Increased duration and/or amount of menstrual bleeding or spotting, cramps, inter-menstrual bleeding for first few months after insertion

Most side effects usually subside spontaneously within 2-3 months after insertion or with symptomatic treatment. There is no need to take any special intervention.

The IUD inserted into the uterine cavity does not move to other parts of the body.

The contraceptive effect of the IUD is readily reversible. This means that a woman can become pregnant as soon as the IUD is removed. 

Yes, you can, as long as the possibility of pregnancy and infections is ruled out.

The IUD is a safe method for women with diabetes.

Implant is a contraceptive and made up of two small rods the size of a matchstick. These rods are silicone based, sterile and flexible. It contains slow releasing progesterone hormone. Depending upon the type, it provides 3-5 years protection from pregnancy. This method is to be inserted just under the skin of the non-dominant upper arm in the shape of a narrow V to prevent pregnancy.

SMC introduces Implant (Jadelle – 2 rods) with the brand name of I-Plant. I-Plant is a progestin-only contraceptive. It is safe, effective and provides protection for a period of five years. It consists of two rods which are 43 mm long, 2.5 mm in diameter and contains 75 mg of levonorgestrel.

I-plant implant is not available in market or pharmacies. It is only available with trained doctors and some selected hospitals under SMC’s Pink Star program. Pink Star is network of privately practicing doctors who promote and provide long acting reversible contraceptives from their private facility. In addition, they also offer family planning injectable (SOMA-JECT – three months protection). One can call 16387 (SMC tele-counseling center) to find a doctor.

Implants are also available at government hospitals, FP centers and some NGO clinics.

• Very effective, long acting, provides contraceptive protection for up to 5 years
• Fertility returns right after removal
• Newly married couples can use
• No interference during sexual intercourse
• Can be used by lactating mothers

• Within five (5) days from the onset of menstrual bleeding
• If the implants are inserted at any other time, pregnancy must be reliably excluded before insertion and an additional non-hormonal contraceptive method used for at least seven days after the insertion
• Immediately after MR or abortion
• In immediate postpartum period (NVD and CS)
• Can be used any time within effective use of other contraceptives

Almost any fertile woman without contraindications who wants to avoid pregnancy may use I-Plant.This method is suitable for women who:

> Seek continuous, yet reversible contraception

> Want to space their children

> Cannot use methods that contain estrogen

> Live a busy life with a lot of other things to think about besides contraception

> Have recently started their studies or career and want to concentrate on these for the next few years

> Do not want to be sterilized; and/or who desire a method that is convenient

Yes, the implant can be removed at any time. However, it must be removed by a well-trained healthcare provider at the end of three or five years depending on the type or, they can be removed at any time before that, for either personal or medical reasons.

The Implant which is inserted just under the skin of the non-dominant upper arm does not move to other parts of the body

Yes, you will be able to get pregnant as soon as the implant is taken out.

I-Plant is well tolerated, safe and convenient. Bleeding changes are likely to occur, although the nature of the change in any individual woman is not predictable, changes may include prolonged, frequent, irregular bleeding and amenorrhoea.