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SMC has been marketing IUD donated by USAID using SMC’s own brand name “Relax” in Bangladesh since 2013. Relax is a small “T-shaped”, copper based device of the type IUD TCu 380A which is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Relax IUD TCu 380A is a non-hormonal method provides long-term protection (10 years) after insertion. Relax is positioned among married women having at least one living child and look for a convenient long-acting contraceptive method.

Brand Name


Relax A T-Shaped small thin device. This is known as copper-T (IUD). The copper T model TCu 380 is made of Polyethylene and barium sulfate. The polyethylene frame and the wire of copper are radiopaque.



Relax is available in a pre-packed box with a loader for easy insertion and a thin polyethylene string for easy removal. Offers long term contraception up to 10 years after insertion>
Edges of copper cylinders are rounded, reducing friction during insertion. Effective immediate after insertion
Fertility returns after removal
Non-hormonal, so no chance of hormonal side effects
Safe for lactating mothers
Can be inserted during post-partum period


Brand Slogan

নিশ্চিন্ত ১০ বছর

SMC Relax is available with graduate medical practitioners (Pink Star) network.