SMC had arranged a workshop on ‘Health Awareness of Women Police’ at the Police Telecom Auditorium, Rajarbagh Police Lines in Dhaka on August 23, 2014. The workshop for women members of the police force was organized with the objective of promoting hygiene behavior during menstruation to reduce the risk of reproductive tract infections among young women. To minimize this gap between need and affordability and to complement health messages on the use of sanitary napkins, SMC introduced a low-priced high quality sanitary napkin in the market in September 2013 in the brand name Joya. During the workshop, importance of using sanitary napkins was emphasized with special focus on the benefits of using Joya. Ms. Mely Biswash, PPM, Additional Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) and President, Bangladesh Women Police Network (BPWN) was present as the Chief Guest.