Social Marketing Company (SMC) held its 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 21, 2015 at the company head office in Dhaka. Mr. Muhammed Ali, Chairman of the SMC Board of Directors, presided over the meeting. Directors and Members of SMC Board, Managing Director & CEO of SMC and Managing Director of SMC Enterprise Ltd were also present. The Directors’ Report on the performance of the Company and the audited financial statements together with the Auditors’ Report for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014 was thereon received, adopted and ratified by the Members of the Company. As required by the Articles of Association, three Directors were due for retirement. Ms. Niloufer Manzur, Director, volunteered to retire from the Board and requested not to be considered for re-election due to her very busy schedule. Ms. Rokeya Quader and Mr. Md. Siddique Ullah, Directors, also volunteered to retire but were re-elected as Directors for another term. In addition, Mr. Waliul Islam, former Secretary to the Government of Bangladesh and Member, SMC was elected as a Director of the Board as a replacement of Ms. Niloufer Manzur.