News Archive

The 34thAnnual General Meeting (AGM) of Social Marketing Company (SMC) was held on January23, 2023at 10:30 am at the Company Head Office in Dhaka. _more

As a part of the continuous effort to expand Blue Star network with the approval from DGFP, SMC Program division included 1125 new providers (Male -1059 Female-66) during October to December’ 22 utilizing its own fund. _more

Human Resources Division of SMC organized a special orientation for the senior management of SMC and SMC EL on non-verbal communication (human gesture and posture) on November 10, 2022 at the training room of SMC Head Office. _more

Social Marketing Company (SMC), Central Warehouse, SMC Niltara Clinic, SMC Clinic, Lab and Model Pharmacy have been awarded with ISO 9001:2015 certification for excellence in Quality Management for three years (July 31, 2021 to July 12, 2024). _more

SMC Enterprise Limited was awarded by the National Board of Revenue (NBR) as one of the highest VAT payers in the manufacturing category for FY 2020-2021 at the national level. _more