News Archive

The World Population Day (WPD) was observed on July 11, 2020 across the globe in the midst of the outbreak of pandemic COVID-19. _more

Sudden grip of COVID -19 took us all by surprise which is still causing the global havoc. _more

A special episode of the Joya “Nari Nokkhotro” was aired on popular satellite TV channel RTV on August 15, 2020 focusing the role of SMC’s Joya Sanitary Napkin in Menstrual Hygiene Management and thereby promoting female hygiene. _more

SMC signed an agreement with icddr,b on September 22, 2020 for combating tuberculosis (TB) in Bangladesh under the financial assistance of USAID TB Local Organizations Network (LON) Project. _more

As a part of program expansion under the ‘Green Star network’, 247 new members were on board during the last fiscal (FY 2019-20) where a good number of basic training sessions (two days long) were organized with a limited number of participants (10-12) due to the outbreak of the pandemic COVID 1 _more