News Archive

The ‘Annual Sales Conference FY-2019’ of Social Marketing Company (SMC) and SMC Enterprise Ltd was held at a local hotel in Dhaka on January 16, 2020. _more

The ‘Annual Sales Conference FY-2019’ of Social Marketing SMC Pharmaceuticals, a division of SMC Enterprise Ltd (SMC EL), organized its Annual Conference 2019 at a local hotel in Dhaka on February 29, 2020 with the theme “ENGAGE FOR GROWTH.” _more

1. In the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, SMC has intensified its efforts to attain the country’s health, population and nutrition goals through offering its products and services. _more

A daylong Regional Meeting of Blue Star Providers was held in Khulna on February 11, 2020. _more

The SMC and its Board of Directors deeply mourn the sad demise of Ms. Niloufer Manzur _more