News Archive

A two-member delegation of the SMC Board of Directors visited the under-construction SMC Tower-2 premises at Darussalam in Mirpur, _more

A team comprising of the Board of Directors and Management staff of ‘Nepal CRS Company,’ the largest social marketing company in Nepal, paid a three-day visit to SMC recently. _more

The honorable members of the Board of Directors of SMC and SMC EL visited our Health and Hygiene Product Factory at Cumilla on July 16, 2019. _more

H. E. Earl R. Miller, the Ambassador of the United States to Bangladesh, visited an SMC Blue Star pharmacy named M/s Kashem Pharmacy owned by Mr. Md. Abdul Baten Rayhan on September 3, 2019. _more

Mr. Siddiqur Rahman Choudhury has been re-elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SMC for two years with effect from September 7, 2019 at the 186th Board Meeting of SMC held on August 29, 2019. _more