Community Mobilization Program

Notun Din An innovative health and family planning community mobilization program

SMC is implementing an innovative community mobilization program called Notun Din with USAID support through three implementing partners in 65 Upazilas of 17 districts of the country where family planning performance is comparatively lower and child mortality is higher.

The program has two components - community mobilization and community sales agent (CSA). Through the community mobilization component, the community mobilizers disseminate messages on four core heath packages mostly to rural women. The information packages contain messages on Healthy Timing & Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP), The First 1,000 Days Care, Adolescent Health and TB Prevention and Management. Following are the community mobilization activities:

  • Advocacy meeting with community-level influentials to generate support for the program at the community level
  • Group meetings with married women of reproductive age (MWRA) and caregivers of children
  • School health program to reach students with adolescent health messages
  • Outreach activities for disseminating health messages through floating IEC centers and mobile film shows