News Archive

‘Nutri-leaders Hunt 2021’, jointly organized by the National Nutrition Services (NNS) and Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), is the online-based nutrition leader hunt contest among adolescents in Bangladesh for the first time. _more

SMC EL has taken initiative to enhance the production capacity of sanitary napkins and diapers by adding two more production lines to address the increased market demand of SMC’s hygiene products. _more

SMC has launched the Gold Star Program initiative (women entrepreneurship model) in urban areas on a pilot basis using its own resources. _more

As a part of the global campaign, SMC observed the ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.’ _more

SMC organized the ‘Rtv SMC MoniMix Award 2021’ for the fourth consecutive time in partnership with the popular private TV channel Rtv. _more