News Archive

The World Population Day (WPD) 2022 was observed by the community mobilization partners on July 21, 2022 under the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Family welfare. _more

A ‘Performance Review and Planning Meeting’ was held on March 23 - 24, 2022 at Chuti Resort, Gazipur attended by the key staff of three implementing partners (Shacheton Society, PSTC and CWFD). _more

The ORS Manufacturing facility in Bhaluka Factory, Mymensingh has been enhanced through adding three Italy origin OMAG branded sophisticated high-speed filling sealing machines. _more

SMC organizes Fire Drill at regular intervals in its complexes to comply with the organizational fire safety procedures. The Administration department of SMC organized a Fire Drill in SMC Tower in June 2022. _more

SMC Board Members initiated open discussion with the senior Management to know their opinions for the betterment of the organization in all aspects. _more